What Will We Learn?

  • Explain how computing innovations are improved through collaboration
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills during collaboration
  • Explain how computing innovations are developed by groups of people

How to Collaborate in Class

  • Pair Programming: Two programmers work together as a pair. One (the driver) writes program code, while the other (the observer, pointer, or navigator) reviews each line of program code as it is typed in.
  • Think-Pair-Share: Students tink through a problem alone, pair with a partner to share ideas, and then share results to the class

Leave Comments in Code

  • Communicate to your partner(s)
  • Communicate to yourself
  • Acknowledge code segments used from other sources
  • Acknowledge media used from other sources
  • Differentiate what you and your partner(s) did
  • Clarify the functionality of your code

Online Tools

  • repl.it: multiplayer
  • GitHub: collaboration and repository
  • Shared document or folder
  • Ask friends and family to test drive your program and give you feedback


  • At facebook, there is a lot of different departments
  • There’s people that do art, sound and video
  • Android development, IOS development, and all these people have to get together, not just coders to figure out what’s best for the public
  • does own Instogram, WhatsApp, Oculus, many different entities that require so many moving parts and together
  • Effective collaboration produces a computing innovation that reflects the diversity of talents and perspectives of those who designed it
  • A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function
  • A computing innovation can be physical or a nonphysical computing concept

Takeaway Thoughts

Interpersonal skills learned through collaboration:

  • Communication
  • Consensus Building
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Negotiation

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.