Rubric Score CBScore Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 My program has clearly labeled, has an input, output, and works
Data Abstraction 1 1 List was named well, I have two code segments, that collects data and shows the list in whater getID is picked
Managing Complexity 1 1 The first part of the code manges complexity, and can be made using if staments instead of cases
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Calls the Add() and Tasks() is called inside the Add(), The Add() adds whatever text is given from the input and day, the tasks is called at the end of the Add() to check if the data that was added can also be added to the Daily Taks
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Uses squencing selection and iteration with the Add(), The algorthim can be made very easily and the code for it is shown below.
Testing 1 1 The program calls two different functions and the text it gives back clearly shows the result.
Final 6/6 6/6  


My feature is the BMI calculator. A solution to solving an unhealthy lifestyle is finding ways to regulate your body mass. To do this, you need to first find your body mass index. This problem is solved with our BMI Calculator, which will tell you, based on the input of your height weight, whether you are underweight, normal weight, or overweight for your index.

Code Plan

I will talk to my groupmates about how lists will be incorporated in the code plan. The main idea for the code plan is to calculate the body mass index by using both weight and height of the person. The procedure of the code includes calculating the body mass index with the famous BMI formula and stores that value with the user account if the user wishes.

Video Plan

For the BMI calculator, I will type in the weight and height of the person, and the BMI will show up.

Night at the Museum Notes

When code is shown, computer is connect to wifi. It establishes a HTTP protocal. In Javascript, Fetch sends a request to the backend server and grabs data OR it will post data to the backend server.