What age groups use Facebook” vs “… TikTok”?

Facebook 21-70
TikTok 7-21

Older people tend to use facebook because it was the TikTok of their generation and it’s marketed towards an older audience while TikTok is marketed towards an younger audience. Facebook also offers a simple interface while tiktok can be harder to navigate at times and while as of recently tik tok is able to share photos its main use is sharing videos unlike facebook.

Why do virtual assistants have female voices?

Females tend to have more soothing and almost entrancing voices which makes for more soothing and enjoyable products.

Talk about an algorithm that influences your decisions, think about these companies (ie FAANG - Facebook, Amazon, Apple,Netflix, Google)

Products are made to record your past decisions and choices whether that be a movie you watched or a thing you searched for and the give you future suggestions braces of the recorded information. This is helpful but is actually implemented to make you stay on the website or app for a longer period of time and if engineered in the correct way has the potential to be harmful.

Come up with some thoughts on the video

Although he acts almost offended, the video seems to be made in a good nature and a joking manner, so no, he does not believe the product was made to purposefully discriminate. I believe this happened due to non intentional testing limitations and design flaws. Although accidental, the product could potentially be harmful by advertising as a “human face tracker” and not considering a darker skin tone as a human face.