Practice Exam 1 Score.png Practice Exam question 21.png Reason B is correct: This code segment moves the robot forward two squares, rotates it right three times so that the robot faces the top of the grid, and then moves the robot forward three squares to the gray square. Practice Exam question 23.png Reason B is correct: Redundant routing is impossible if there is only one possible path from one device to another. There is only one possible path from P to S (P to R to Q to S). Practice Exam question 24.png Reason C is correct: The transformation is lossless because an encoded string can be restored to its original version. For example, “%##%E_BEST_W#H” can be restored to “THIS_IS_YOUR_BEST_WISH” by replacing all instances of “%” with “TH and by replacing all instances of “IS”. Practice Exam question 26.png Reason A is correct: This code segment rotates right whenever there is an open square to the right. The robot will move forward from its initial location to the upper-left corner of the grid, then rotate right, then move forward to the upper-right corner of the grid, then rotate right, then move down two squares, then rotate right, then move forward to the gray square.